The following document was written by Mr Vik Veer MBBS(lond) MRCS(eng) DoHNS(eng) in Dec 2007. You may use the information here for personal use but if you intend to publish or present it, you must clearly credit the author and
This site is not intended to be used by people who are not medically trained. Anyone using this site does so at their own risk and he/she assumes any and all liability. ALWAYS ASK YOUR SENIOR IF YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT A PROCEDURE. NEVER CONDUCT A PROCEDURE YOU ARE UNSURE ABOUT.
Apart from the elderly, the anterior nasal septum, (Little’s bleeding area) is the commonest place to bleed from as it is the centre of a large confluence of end-arteries. This area is also called Kiesselbach’s plexus. Another very common area to bleed from is Woodruff’s plexus which is far more posteriorly located in the nose. It lies quite deep within the nasal cavity on the lateral surface which is also the location of the sphenopalatine artery (1cm inferior and 1cm anterior to the posterior margin of the middle turbinate). The elderly are more commonly affected with posterior bleeds.
The causes of epistaxis are mainly:
• Nose picking
• Exposure to cold (reduced temperatures disrupt cillary action) dry air
• Tumours
Hypertension has not been shown to cause epistaxis – however, those with high blood pressure tend to bleed more and recur more frequently than those without.
Certainly no one ever follows this advice, but a little is better than nothing.
There will be occasions when you are unable to see the bleeding point and therefore are unable to cauterise the patient. This is likely to be a posterior bleed (from woodruff’s plexus), which is on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity near the post nasal space.
In this situation you will need to insert a merocel pack. This is a fancy tampon that is inserted into the nose to control the bleeding by direct pressure (see the picture of a merocel before and after expanding). The technique for this is to first remove all the blood with a yanker sucker from the nose and spray with local anaesthetic as before.
Then get a 10cm merocel pack and hold it tightly on the end which has a dark string attached to it. Holding the pack completely horizontally, push the pack into the nose straight back. Follow the floor of the nose and push along the septum of the nose. Do not push up the nose or you will get stuck. The patient will protest and it will seem horrible, but do it firmly and quickly and it should be all over in a second. Make sure the pack is inserted all the way in. There should be no pack visible outside the nose if inserted properly.
A common joke is the ‘walrus sign’ the (white merocel hangs out of the nose like a tusk) – try not to be at the receiving end of this joke.
Give the patient a break and check to see if the bleeding has stopped (check the back of the mouth incase it is trickling down the posterior pharyngeal wall).
If your department only has 8cm Merocel packs then make sure you push them as deeply as possible into the nose.
If your department is rich it will have Rapid Rhinos, which are inflatable balloons coated in a lubricant that will also stop bleeding. Current thinking is that they are no more effective than Merocels but they are far more comfortable to insert for both the patient and doctor. Just remember to put the pack in water for at least 30 seconds to ensure the lubricant is activated. Insert as before and when in place blow up the balloon with AIR (approximately 5 – 7mls).
Some people place a Merocel in both nostrils to ‘compress’ the septum in the middle. Since the bleeding tends to occur on the lateral wall in posterior bleeds this doesn’t make sense to me, but it is common practice for whatever reason.
Patients with a merocel pack insitu are almost always admitted to the ward for at least 24 hours. Follow the guidance in your own hospital – (very few departments allow these patients to be sent home).
If the merocel pack doesn’t work you are now in more specialised territory and will require a more senior ENT / A&E doctor to help you. Typically these posterior bleeds require a small female urinary catheter to be placed in the post nasal space and then the balloon is blown up to stop blood going down into the oropharynx. Then with a Tiley’s forceps (see picture) BIPP is packed into the nose layer by layer until a few meters are inserted deeply into the nasal cavity. This can be dreadfully painful and traumatic if done without guidance the first time, ask a senior to help you.
If this doesn’t work the patient requires an emergency operation (endoscopic Sphenopalatine artery ligation or maxillary artery ligation or even an external carotid artery ligation).
eMedicine - Epistaxis : Article by Jeffrey Evans, MD
Management of Epistaxis - January 15, 2005 - American Family Physician
eMedicine - Epistaxis : Article by William Gluckman